Our Values
As Sata Group, we export to different geographies of the world, touch the lives of hundreds of millions of people, and focus on creating value for society with the goal of a more livable world.
We believe in the power of joint production...
Our people are our biggest motivation. We see the training and personal development of our employees as a part of our corporate culture, and within this framework, we try to create a participatory corporate culture and environment where they can express their potential in the best way.
We are entrepreneurial, innovative, pioneering...
We value innovation and creativity in all our activities, driven by the entrepreneurship in our genetic code. We invest in innovation, technology, design, research and development, and strive to be the pioneer and pioneer of change in our country.
We are honest, hardworking, responsible...
With the motto of "Honesty, Diligence and Responsibility", we are working tirelessly to carry our country and our people to a better future. While performing our work, we establish the right relations with all stakeholders and carry out our work in accordance with the law.
We are reliable and transparent…
Since our establishment, we have acted with a corporate governance approach that applies the principles of transparency and accountability in all our activities.
We manage our activities with the understanding of sustainability...
We ensure that all our activities are compatible with our sustainability strategy for a more livable world.